Sunday, February 6, 2011

Epithelial Tissues: Squamous

Epihelial tissues help to provide physical protection, control permeability, provide sensation, and produce specialized secretions. (I'm lazy to add details/examples..haha.)


Classification of Epithelia:
Epithelial tissues have classification to them, such as telling apart from the different epithelial tissues. For example, people come from different cultures, races, backgrounds, and etc. Just like epithelial tissues.

Simple - A layer of tissue.

Stratified - layers of tissues


Different epithelial tissues:
(These are the epithelial tissues that I have to study)

Simple squamous (top view)

Located: blood vessel, portions, portions of kidney tubules, & lung.

The function is to control vessel permeability which is absorption and secretion. It also reduces friction.

This is a layer of squamous, it is the top view. If looking from the side it looks flat.


Stratifited squamous:

Located: surface of skin; lining of mouth, throat, esophagus, rectum, anus, vagina

The function of the stratified squamous is to provide physical protection from pathogens and such.

In the first picture of simple squamous it was just one layer. In this picture it is stratified so that means there is more than one layer. Also the first picture was showing from the top layer, this picture is showing from the side layer. So you see it flat unlike in the previous picture.

The flat squamous remind me of pancakes in.


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